"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by 日本のママ,
10日くらいかな。可愛いんだけど、チェーンが画像と違ってちゃっちいおもちゃによくあるチェーンだったからショック。可愛いんだけどね…"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by George,
I was really reluctant at first to buy this, as anyone would be. I looked at each and every review and decided to buy it. And boy was I shocked! It’s amazing! It’s the cutest gift I could’ve got for a friend. The lettering is so delicate, it really is perfect! "I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Katherin,
I am absolutely in love with my necklace! I have received so many compliments on it and they are blown away when I tell them the price! Such a beautiful piece for great price. The chain has a great weight, a great shine and just looks very beautiful overall. If you’re debating on getting it, do it! You’ll thank me later :) "I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by jenna ortiz,
The necklace is beautiful! The script is so pretty, and I received it quickly!"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Yvonne Romero,
Was a gift for my niece and she loved it!"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Debbie Baxter,
Great product, well made and excellent quality."I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Vanessa,
Absolutely love it! Great quality and looks beautiful!"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Sirena,
My kid liked it"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace - by Mendy P,
Came in a little gift box"I'm Cool" Personalized Signature Style Name Necklace
$19.95$28.0029% OFF
Choose Your Style: Name Necklaces
Product Descriptions
Item#: DRN0031
Necklace Information | |
Chain Type: Box Chain | |
Material: Copper |